Our awakenings are not always joyful. The light we hope for remains unlit. Darkness, dreariness descend or remain from a night of sleepless wrestling. Yet prayer can still happen. A plea for hope or help or an acknowledgment of the things that need to happen in me:
- a tolerance (even love?) for those who don't agree with me
- a refusal to judge others
- a willingness to forgive
- a greater effort to be aware of my privilege
- a calm and hopeful spirit in the midst of my own anxieties and a world that's crumbling
- attention and faithfulness in my daily work
- a holy anger for injustice in our world
As we engage with such thoughts perhaps our hearts begin to unfold and we're able to move toward gratitude.
Giver of the Morning - I bless and thank you!
*Some of what's shared comes from Seven Sacred Pauses - Macrina Wiederkehr