Ready to Love

As I do occasionally, I'm sharing a meditation by Steve Garnaas-Holmes. His words remind me of our need to nurture compassion for and in ourselves so we can extend compassion to others - especially those we find hard to love. Perhaps you, like me, find that particularly difficult right now.

May the Spirit keep rekindling our faith, hope, and love.

I'm grateful for others, like you, with whom to do the hard work of loving.

Grace, strength, and peace to each of you today.



They went away in the boat to a deserted place.
But many saw them and arrived ahead of them.
And he had compassion for them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.
—Mark 6.32-34

Jesus was headed for some solitude...
but, interrupted by a needy crowd,
he responded to them with compassion.
There's a miracle right there.

How did that happen?
Previously, the disciples were out preaching.
Jesus was home, alone,
resting his soul in God.
He'd already gotten his solitude!

You are called to compassion,
even at difficult times.
So prepare ahead. Nourish your soul.
Seek solitude and renewal.
Root yourself in that infinite love,
that it may fill you.
Guard your heart,
so that in the press of the moment
you are not weary but ready
with gentleness, mercy and healing.
Allow yourself to be loved,
so you are ready to love.
Tend your compassion,
for it will be needed.